[NEW] Goals: Measure ProveSource ROI

We’re super happy to announce our latest core feature: Goals.

Why we decided to create it?

While ProveSource has several built-in (and automatic) trackers for Google Analytics and Mixpanel, it’s still not the easiest way to measure the impact, performance and ROI of ProveSource.
We wanted to create a simple functionality to let our customers see what’s the impact of ProveSource, and how it affects their conversion rates/funnel/revenue.

Goals FTW

What is a goal?

A goal is the action you want people to complete or take on your website. For example, your goal may be to get more signups or make a visitor buy your online guide.

Why do you need this?

Creating social proof notifications without defining a goal would be like shooting in the dark! Goals are the easiest way to see the impact of ProveSource on your numbers.


Here are the terms you need to be familiar with when it comes to Goals:
  • Views – how many notifications were viewed on the way to completing a goal
  • Hovers – how many notifications were hovered on the way to completing a goal
  • Clicks – how many notifications were clicked on the way to completing a goal
  • Click Conversions – how many goals were captured after at least one clicked notification, i.e. ProveSource driven conversions.
  • Conversions – how many goals were captured (i.e. how many visitors landed on you goal completion URL), this is the total number of conversions you’ve had regardless of ProveSource.
  • Conversion Rate – the ratio of Click Conversions to Conversions, i.e. what is the percentage of goal completions that were driven by ProveSource.

Examples of how it all works:

Every time a visitor lands on your goal completion URL – we’ll increment the goal conversions counter.

If the visitor viewed 5 notifications, hovered 4 and clicked 2 before completing the goal:

  • goal views will increase by 5.
  • goal hovers will increase by 4.
  • goal clicks will increase by 2.
  • goal click conversions will increase by 1.
  • goal conversions will increase by 1.

This lets you easily see if we’re capturing your goals correctly and in the same breath lets you see if ProveSource notifications impact your conversions.

Are goals required?

No, but we highly recommend setting at least one goal to see how many of your conversions can be attributed to ProveSource social proof notification.

Create Your First Goal

Required details you need to create a goal

  1. Goal Name – In this field, you give your Goal a name. This is something that will be used internally by you, to understand what this goal is all about. For example, “Signups”, or “Product Purchase”.
  2. Goal Completion URL – To track your goal, you need to specify the URL of the page (or just a part of it) a visitor sees immediately after completing an action. For example, you could set your thank-you page URL a visitor sees right after signing up for your newsletter or webinar.

Conversion Window

Goal conversion window is 7 days, this means once a visitor interacts with a ProveSource notification (view, hover or click), and completes the goals (converts) some time in the next 7 days – these interactions will be counted toward the goal.

Conversions Counting

Goal counting is unique per 7 days, meaning when a visitor completes a goal 3 times in 7 days (for example makes 3 purchases on your ecommerce store) – we’ll count this conversion once.

If the visitor converts again after 10 days – then we will count him again and “block” him for 7 more days.

Make sure ProveSource is installed on your conversion page as well.
We won’t be able to track your goals or conversions if ProveSource is not installed.
Yosi Dahan
Co-founder & CEO at ProveSource
Thinking about new ways to help our customers grow their business, build trust with their website visitors and improve their conversions rates using social proof and psychological tactics.

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